Plastic Free / Zero Waste

Reusable Sanitary Products: The Lowdown

There are so many ways we can lead a more eco-friendly life and reduce the amount of waste we create. One you might not think of, but which will make a huge difference, are reusable sanitary products! Cloth pads, reusable panty liners and menstrual cups come in many different shapes, materials and even colours. But most importantly - in terms of comfort, they are far superior to their disposable counterparts.

This blog post gives you all the reasons why reusable sanitary products are worth investing in, and tells you about the options you have when going zero waste with your period!

Tips for Using Cloth Nappies for Newborns
CONGRATULATIONS!! You are expecting your bonnie bundle of joy. Whether you are thinking about having a baby or are pregnant and waiting, it’s best to be prepared if want to use cloth from birth. When I was pregnant, I wanted to know everything, I mean EVERYTHING before I met my little precious one - so make a cup of tea and get stuck in, here is everything you need to know about cloth nappying your new baby. At the end there will be a list of things you might need for your set up.

Think about setting a budget:

Everybody’s circumstances are different but that doesn’t mean they are better or worse than yours. There are no rules stated anywhere in the handbook of cloth nappies (gosh I wish there was one of those when I started out) to say that you absolutely have to have all the nappies you need straight away. Take your time to figure out your finances and budget how much you want to spend or can spend on your investment. I say investment because that is what it is. You are investing in nappies for your current baby plus any subsequent babies you may have in the future. As much as I wish it weren’t true, newborns don’t stay newborns for very long so there is no need to go mad buying a hundred newborn nappies when they will outgrow them within a few weeks. It’s a good idea to have a mix of newborn and birth to potty nappies in your stash.

Frequently Asked Questions about your Klean Kanteen Water Bottles, Insulated Tk Wides and lots more


All Klean Kanteen products are made from 18/8 food-grade stainless steel which is safe, durable and BPA-free. The food-grade stainless steel in a Klean Kanteen is highly rust resistant. If your bottle appears to have rusted, it's probably just a mark left behind from the electropolishing process, which smooths the surface of the metal and makes it shiny. Sometimes electrolytes left on the surface turn a rust color, but it's harmless.
To remove residue, soak your Kanteen overnight with hot water and baking soda or white vinegar. Follow the soak with a good scrub using a bottle brush or a scouring pad, combined with a wooden spoon or other kitchen utensil for leverage. Please give this suggestion a shot and let us know how the cleaning goes. Remember, scrubbing is key. For more information, visit our Care & Use page here

Three Simple Switches Parents Can Make To Become A More Eco Friendly Family

There is no denying that bringing children into the world takes a toll on our environment. For such small people, they can generate a whole lot of extra waste! These days, I think we are all trying to reduce our use of plastic and lessen the footprint we are leaving behind. If not for ourselves, then for our children who will have to clean up the mess once we are gone.

Since becoming a parent, it’s something which has weighed heavily on my mind… and though I am far from perfect, I try to make better and smarter choices these days. Here are a few switches that we have made as parents, which can make a really big impact:

Reusable Beeswax Wraps: Have you heard the Buzz?
In the last couple of months, there's a bit of a buzz (sorry couldn't resist!!) about reusable beeswax wraps popping up as an eco-friendly alternative to cling film, sandwich bags and other types of food storage. Are you wondering if the colourful fabric squares covered in beeswax really hold up to the task? Or whether they are as convenient to use as their plastic counterparts? Then read on – we bee-lieve you will love them just as much as we do!


A Zero Waste / Reusable Life: 4 Disposable Items You Can Ditch Today
We live in the time of a climate emergency. Our papers and newsfeeds are covered with pictures of plastic floating in the ocean and all sorts of waste being washed up on our beaches. It is a problem that we can no longer ignore. However, looking at the sheer scale of it can be very overwhelming and might leave you feeling completely hopeless and like nothing you can do will ever make a difference.In those moments it is important to shift your focus back to the smaller picture.

If you don’t quite know where to start, here are four disposable items you can ditch today without much hassle or a big investment:

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