Moby Wrap Classic

Introducing Moby Wrap Classic - the ultimate baby-wearing solution! Moby Wrap provides a safe and secure way to keep your baby close while still having both hands free for other activities. It’s made from 100% natural cotton and is gentle and supportive on your baby’s delicate skin, with its stretchy material offering freedom of movement and support. This wrap has been designed with comfort in mind, forming a snug fit that adapts to mom's changing body shape, providing the perfect fit for mom and baby alike. It has also been designed for versatility - adjustable enough so that you can nurse or just take some time to bond with your little one anytime. Don't worry about safety either! Moby Wrap makes sure you are able to keep an eye on your little one securely, taking all the hassle out of life with a newborn. We can guarantee that Moby Wrap Classic is perfect for any family who wants to keep their child safely close.